Access your data

Please answer all questions marked with *.

  • Your right of access to your data
    You can use this form to ask us to send you a copy of your personal data. This can include data that relates to your accounts, such as your bank statements.
  • If you're a Barclays employee, former employee or have previously applied for a Barclays position, and are requesting data relating to your employment/application, please write to
  • Your security
    When you've completed your request, for security purposes we may contact you.
  • About your request
    We'll do our best to find all the information you need. Please be specific if you need anything in particular, as we might be able to find it for you more easily. Once we’ve approved your request it’ll usually take up to 30 days for us to process it. If your request is more complex, it may take up to 90 days.
  • Sending your data
    We'll send your data to you securely electronically in PDF form, so you can share it with a third party if you need to. Alternatively, we can post it to you.

About you

Are you a Barclays or Barclaycard customer? *
Want us to fill out your details? Log in using Online Banking. *
    If you have authority to act on behalf of someone else, you'll need to apply in writing to the address below:
    General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Team
    LE87 2BB

    If you’re applying on behalf of someone else
    • We may need to contact the customer directly
    • You'll need to print the form and post it to us – we'll give you the address when you've completed your request
    • To include a letter of authority from the customer
    Please give as much detail as you can

    We'll do our best to find all the information you need. Please be specific if you need anything in particular, as we might be able to find it for you more easily.

Are you applying as a Solicitor, a Claims Management Company or Other Third Party? *

Customer's details

Enter your first name as it's spelled on your passport, driving licence or other identity card. Enter their first name as it's spelled on their passport, driving licence or other identity card.
If you have any middle names, enter them here to help us identify you quickly. If they have any middle names, enter them here to help us identify them quickly.
Enter your surname (family name) as it's spelled on your passport, driving licence or other identity card. Enter their surname (family name) as it's spelled on their passport, driving licence or other identity card.
Have you changed your name since you were a customer of ours? * Have they changed their name since they were a customer of ours? *
Please enter your email address carefully. Please enter their email address carefully.
Please enter phone number carefully. When you've completed your request, for security purposes we may contact you. Please enter their phone number carefully. When you’ve completed your request, for security purposes we may contact them.
We may need to contact you for more information - please choose a time that's convenient.

Did you live at this address when you had an account with us? * Did they live at this address when they had an account with us? *

Your address when you last banked with us

Frequently asked questions